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Get ln Touch

We at DigiVCard believe in the power of communication.
Whether you have a question, feedback, or just want to share a story, we’re here to listen and respond.
Connecting with us is as simple and seamless as our digital business cards.

Email Us

Drop us a line at [email protected] 
whether it’s an inquiry or just to say hello, we’re all ears.


Our Address

Come by for a coffee and a chat at our office. We’re located at:
Warringer St 161/2,
1180 Vienna,Austria

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About DigiVCard

At DigiVCard, we’re passionate about simplifying networking and saving the environment. Our digital business card solution streamlines connections, reducing the need for paper while providing an eco-friendly alternative. Join us in embracing a paperless future and making a positive impact—one digital card at a time. 

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